Miremby en ligne
The sub-tropical environment of eastern Australia : climate, geology, soils, vegetation / Coaldrake, J.E.- Isabell, R.F.- Hubble, C.D.CAB. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
The sub-tropical environment of eastern Australia : climate, geology, soils, vegetation : *** [] / Coaldrake, J.E.- Isabell, R.F.- Hubble, C.D.CAB. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, . - CAB, s.d. . - p. 17-36 : 2 ill., 1 carte, ech. 1 : 20 000 000, 1 carte, ech. 1 : 5.000 000 ; 22 cm. AGRICULTURE - CONSIDERATIONS GENERALES
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Code-barres | Cote | Support | Localisation | Section | Disponibilité | Origine |
16848 | A00 234 | Livre | CIRAD - IRAT | Bibliotheque DDI | Exclu du prêt |